Showing posts with label God's Minute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's Minute. Show all posts

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Future: 2020 (Foretell the Future with the I Ching and My Calendar of Days) Kindle Edition by James Byrd (Author)


Discover a more organized and stress-free way of planning your days with professional guidance from "The I Ching" calendar by James Byrd, MBA. Learn about the significance of different days and how they can impact your daily focus, based on scientific and objective facts. Mark your calendar now for easier reflections on past, present, and future events.


"The 2020 edition of my book, "The Future," builds upon the previous release, titled "Foretell the Future with the I Ching and My Calendar of Days." I've streamlined the title and included more of my insightful observations, which have been well-received by my fans. In addition, an accompanying eBook will be available soon, currently priced at $0.99."


Discover the secrets of the I Ching and its influence on a perpetual calendar with "Foretell the Future with the I Ching and My Calendar of Days." This informative book/calendar combination is based on the 64 hexagrams, giving you somewhat of an insight into the present, past, and future through the specific hexagrams for each day on "My Calendar of Days." Utilize the calendar to gain a better understanding of past, present, and future events and outcomes, with a focus on determining when too fast.


As an expert in this field, I highly recommend observing hexagram 36 days on your calendar as an opportunity for atonement through fasting for three days. Personally, I find that consuming raw, fresh fruit juice during this time helps purify my body and clears my mind for better decision-making. In fact, I make it a point to take a three-to-seven-day vacation from work during this time to fully reap the benefits. This not only removes toxins and obstructions from my body, but also protects me from any self-inflicted harm, as hexagram thirty-six suggests in its reflection of Injury. To prevent such harm, I suggest avoiding harmful choices such as alcohol and cigarettes, and instead practicing meditation or yoga. Avoiding excessive television consumption is also recommended.


Hexagram 1, The Creative, is a powerful symbol that represents the relationship between humankind and the divine. Similarly, Hexagram 36 reminds us to exercise caution during certain periods of our lives. Whether it be during the three days leading up to a significant date or the three days following, we must be mindful of the bell curve pattern and avoid any unnecessary risks. Another potential pitfall to beware of is consuming contaminated water, which can have disastrous consequences. So, tread carefully and stay vigilant, especially at night.


The main determining factor is the relationship to "My Calendar of Days." Essentially, it appears to be the overall pattern of events that the I Ching provides an indicator for each day. These events can be seen as cyclical, thus acting as a constant calendar. Furthermore, on Saturdays, this includes the Lotto machine. But before anything else, locate your birthdate on the calendar and analyze it.



Sunday, February 6, 2022

All Things.



February Fifth ~ God's Daily Minute

“Whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.  ” – Matt. 21:22 ~

Our Heavenly Father, gratefully we acknowledge Thy continued loving kindness in protecting us sleeping and waking, and in providing for our daily needs. Forbid that the regularity with which Thy mercies come should ever make us forgetful that they come from Thee. If Thou shouldst withhold a single one, we should plead for its renewal.
Help us to meditate upon Thyself—Thy majesty and power, Thy tender compassion, Thy grief at our sinfulness, Thy grace to help in our time of need. May every gift of Thine come as a messenger from the Throne, summoning us to deeper devotion in heart and life.
Above all, we thank Thee for the Son of Thy love, Thy most gracious Gift to men.
Help us to tread aright the unknown path of another day. Lead Thou us on. And at its close may we be able to look back thankfully that by Thy grace we have heard Thy voice and followed Thee. Guide us in our perplexities; restrain us in our joys; comfort us in our sorrows; guard us in our temptations; and forgive us all our sins; for the sake of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

By: Rev. G. E. Morgan, M.A., London, England.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

August Twelfth ~ God's Daily Minute

Psalm 32:8 | Decisions determine destiny, Christian wallpaper ...

August Twelfth ~ God's Daily Minute

“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go.” – Ps. 32:8 ~

We praise Thy name, our Father, that Thou hast again brought us to the sweet consciousness of life and to realization of Thy divine grace and loving favor. We are grateful to Thee for all the mercies so abundantly bestowed upon us through Thy Son. Grant unto us this day Thy watch-care and guidance, that we may in nothing offend Thee or bring reproach upon Thy name.

May we, by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit, be led into that truth which will enable us to glorify Thee in our lives. Keep our minds from error and our hearts from sin. May all our thoughts be true, our loves be pure, and our actions right before Thee. Give unto us and ours the things necessary for our temporal comfort and or spiritual good. Bless Thou the toil of our hands and make it abound to the welfare of our fellow-men and to Thine own glory. Help us to be ever conscious of the presence and fellowship of Thy dear Son, our Saviour and our Friend.

Comfort, we pray Thee, those who are in sorrow. Strengthen those who are weak. Be Thou beside the beds of suffering, to ease pain, strengthen courage and inspire hope. We ask all in the name of Him Who dwelleth in our hearts through faith.  Amen

By: Rev. Daniel McGurk, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Credit:  God's Minute: A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

God's Daily Minute 7-22

July Twenty-Second ~ God's Daily Minute

“This is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for many.” – Mark 14:24 ~
(For Communion Sunday.)

We sing our Eucharistic hymn this day, O God, with voices from which all tones of mortal sadness have vanished away. We sing the song of new-born life, and not of death. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was made flesh, and men beheld the glory of Thy love in the face of Jesus Christ.

Come, O Creator Spirit blest, and impart anew Thy marvelous gifts. May Christ be born again in every heart. Purge our ears from the rattling noises of the world, until they are quick to hear the heavenly song of Thy peace and good-will for men.  Lead all seekers to some spiritual Bethlehem and help them to find the Holy Child. May the nations come to His light, and rulers behold the rightness of His rising.

May the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Crist, that He may reign forever and ever.  Amen.

By: Oscar Edward Maurer, D.D., New Haven, Connecticut.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

June Fourteenth ~ God's Daily Minute ~ I Think He Got Us With This One.

June Fourteenth ~ God's Daily Minute

 “The living shall praise Thee.” – Isaiah 38:19 ~

Heavenly Father, we thank thee for the refreshing sleep of last night, for sparing us to see another day, for our loved ones, and for this family altar, for our loved ones, and for this family altar, for the gift of Thy son, Jesus Christ, and for His love and self-sacrifice.

We sincerely repent of all wrongdoing. Pardon all our sins, and give to us a forgiving spirit. Help us to trust in Thy Word, and may we find in it medicine for the mind, and food for the soul.

We pray for our beloved country, and for all in authority, in our own and other nations. Bless the poor and needy, the sick and dying, the bereaved and all who are in distress. We plead with Thee for any who are wrongfully treated, until “justice roll on like water, and righteousness as a perennial stream.”

Abundantly reward the preaching of Thy Gospel everywhere, and bless our church and minister with an outpouring of Thy Holy Spirit, until one shall not have to say to another—“Know the Lord, --for all shall know Him from the least even unto the greatest.”

And to Thee will we give the glory forever and ever. Amen

By: Capt. (Rev.) H. S. Mullowney, M.A., B.D., Owen Sound, Ont., Canada

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

June Second ~ God's Daily Minute

June Second ~ God's Daily Minute

 “He that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass Him about.” – Ps. 32:10 ~

Our Father, in Whom we live and move and have our being, we thank Thee for Thy care, for our home, for our parents, and our friends. We thank Thee for the joy of salvation, for the health of body and vigor of mind, for the joy and delights of social intercourse. We thank Thee for Jesus Christ, for His sacrifice for us, and for the promise of eternal life through faith in Him.
Teach us, our Father, how to appreciate Thy love to us, Thy boundless care and Thy constant watchfulness. Indicate to us the things which Thou wouldst have us to do. Teach us how to live so as to bring joy and blessing into the lives of others. Give unto us the Holy Spirit, that we may know the true meaning of Thy Word, and how to do Thy will. Help us to watch and pray as we walk in the midst of temptation. Make us to abhor evil and to cleave only to what is good. Strengthen us in the day of adversity. Protect us from the snares of prosperity. Help us to do only the things which are pleasing to Thee. Hear us, O God, in this our prayer, for Jesus’ sake.  Amen

By: Rev. R. R. Butterwick, Mountville,  Penna.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Morning (47)

April Eleventh ~ God's Daily Minute

 “For the Father Himself loveth you.” – John 17:26 ~

Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the peace, the rest, the comfort of the night through which we have come. We surely have reason to be grateful for Thy increasing care. Thou art ever thinking of us, and we sleep in safety under the shadow of Thy protection presence.

Now we enter upon the light and blessing of another day. May it be a clean day, a glad day, and an undefiled day! May no dark, impure thoughts obtain possession of our hearts! May we have the grace to put away everything that is sinful and selfish and unworthy of Thee!

Enable us to overcome every form of temptation. In moments of weakness or weariness, or doubt come to us, may we have gracious help from Thee.  In our business life, our home life, with our associates, with our friends, may we be thoughtful, tender, loving, generous, ever bearing in mind that we are to have the Spirit of our Divine Master “who went about doing good.”

Teach us to be pitiful, to be kindly affectionate, to speak words of gentleness, and to remember especially the Wayward, the unfortunate, the sorrow-stricken. So fill us with Thy Spirit as to make us joyous, radiant, eager for service, anxious only to do Thy Will. We ask all these favors in the Name of Thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

By: J. Wesley Johnston, Litt. D., Brooklyn, New York.

Source:  God's Minute: A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship


  My Word for today= Oppression

Friday, April 3, 2020

God's Daily Minute

April Twenty-Eighth ~ God's Daily Minute

 “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – 1 Thess. 5:16-23 ~

Create in us a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within us. Cast us not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit form us. We commend to Thy loving protection all those for whom we long to pray (especially those whom we now name in our hearts before thee ***).
Give to them all their heart’s desire, we pray Thee, in as far as Thou seest it best, for Jesus sake. Bring each of us, O Father, to the close of this day in peace and honor. For all those who love us so much better than we deserve, we thank Thee. For their sakes, help us to sanctify ourselves this day. And do Thou, O Lord, grant that we may abide steadfast in this purpose, and by Thy continual aid be fully master of all the desires and emotions of our hearts. For Jesus’ sake.  Amen.

By: John Edgar Park, West Newton, Mass.

Source:  God's Minute: A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship


My word for TODAY= LEGAL

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

God's Minute ~ H-13

April First ~ God's Daily Minute

 “Come unto Me and I will give you rest.” – Matt. 11:28 ~

O GOD, our Father, and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is written in Thy Word that Thy Holy Spirit helpeth our infirmity that we may know what we should pray for as we ought; and that He maketh intercession for the saints according the will of God.

We yield ourselves to Thee, our God and Father, that Thy Sprit may exercise this grace toward us, and work this gift in us just now; that He may cleanse our hearts from all iniquity, and lift them up in the worship and love of Thy Holy Name; that He may comfort us in our trials to-day; that He may strengthen us in every moment of temptation; that He may guide us in all our ways to do Thy will; that He may help us in our toil and enlighten us in our perplexity.

O Heavenly Father, shed abroad Thy love in our hearts and keep[ us loving, hopeful, patient, kind and true, thus blessing all with whom we come in contact, and glorifying Thy Great Name Who are worthy of all our heart’s devotion forever and ever.

Through Jesus Christ, our Saviour, Who loveth us and loosed us from our sins in His own blood. Amen

By: James M. Gray, D.D., Chicago, Illinois

Credit:  God's Minute: A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship

The word for today is Friends!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Good Morning ~ 11

March Twenty-Five ~ God's Daily Minute

 “The prayer of faith shall save.” – James 5:15 ~

O Lord, increase our faith. By it may we be enabled to remove mountains of difficulty from our way. May it be our shield with which to quench the darts of temptation. May it steady and encourage us as we endeavor to form our plans and assume our duties and responsibilities in accord with Thy will. May it deliver us from fearful anxiety respecting our own welfare, and that of our loved ones whom we commit to Thy care.  May it incline us to be forgiving and patient and considerate and sympathic. May it prompt us to gracious and kindle words and deeds. May it save us from being too much gratified by praise, and from being too much east down by blame. May it lend zest to the day’s toil, and quicken us to renewed energy and fidelity in our work. May it impel us to humility and gratitude when we are granted prosperity and happiness, and my it preserve us against bitterness and bloom of spirit if want and sorrow become our portion. May it strengthen our hold upon possessions that abide, and be unto us the evidence of things not seen, and the substance of things hoped for. May it assure us each day, as we fare on our pilgrimage, that Thou art nigh, and lead us into the blessed experience of companying with Thee as a man walketh and talketh with a friend.  Amen.

By: Harry P. Dewey, D. D., Minneapolis, Minn

Credit:  God's Minute: A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Good Morning ~ God's Daily Minute

March Seventeen ~ God's Daily Minute

 “Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice.” – Ps. 27:7

O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Thy Name in all the earth. Thou art our God, and the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, through Whom we, Thy children of faith, have the forgiveness of our sins Thou art our father’s God; and Whom they in the flesh confidently worshipped, we, their children, would also reverently worship and adore.

Humbly, yet devoutly, would we give thanks to Thee, O God, for Thy great love revealed to us in Christ; and for Thy rich and unfailing providences to us, and to all men. For Jesus’ sake, receive our thanks. Continue Thy loving favors to us, and grant us pardon for sin, and life eternal.

Give us, we beseech Thee, the Holy Spirit as our Guide this day, into truth. May He ever comfort us and all Thine in times of sorrow or of trial. May He strengthen us when we are weak. May He raise us up again, if we fall. May He interpret Thy Word to us, and enable us to do Thy holy will with gladness of heart.

With us, bless also this, our nation, and the whole world with Heavenly peace, for Jesus sake. Amen

By: John Grant Newman, D.D., Philadelphia, Penna.

Credit:  God's Minute: A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship


Thursday, February 6, 2020

February Fifth ~ God's Daily Minute

February Fifth ~ God's Daily Minute

“Whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.  ” – Matt. 21:22 ~

Our Heavenly Father, gratefully we acknowledge Thy continued loving kindness in protecting us sleeping and waking, and in providing for our daily needs. Forbid that the regularity with which Thy mercies come should ever make us forgetful that they come from Thee. If Thou shouldst withhold a single one, we should plead for its renewal.
Help us to meditate upon Thyself—Thy majesty and power, Thy tender compassion, Thy grief at our sinfulness, Thy grace to help in our time of need. May every gift of Thine come as a messenger from the Throne, summoning us to deeper devotion in heart and life.
Above all, we thank Thee for the Son of Thy love, Thy most gracious Gift to men.
Help us to tread aright the unknown path of another day. Lead Thou us on. And at its close may we be able to look back thankfully that by Thy grace we have heard Thy voice and followed Thee. Guide us in our perplexities; restrain us in our joys; comfort us in our sorrows; guard us in our temptations; and forgive us all our sins; for the sake of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

By: Rev. G. E. Morgan, M.A., London, England.

Friday, January 31, 2020

God's Daily Minute ~2-9-2020

February Ninth ~ God's Daily Minute

“And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer.” – Isa. 65:24 ~

Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for our home and our work and our friends. The morning calls us to the joy and toil and trial of a new day, and we want to begin in right, in the sense of Thy nearness and care.

Give us strength to meet the common duties of the day, and to live with our kindred and friends happily and helpfully. In our school life, in our home-making, and in our business, may we be guided by the purposes of Jesus. If it be Thy good will, keep us from great temptation to do wrong; and furnish us with strength for the trials which Thou willest us to endure.

May Thy healing and comfort abide with those we live, who are in sorrow and sickness; make them brave and hopeful.

We pray Thee to prosper us in our work, in order that we may use all our gains for the good of others.
May our home and family be the abiding place of Him Who promised to be in the midst of those who love Him. In His Name.   Amen.

By: Ozora S. Davis, D.D., Ph.D., Chicago. ILL.

Monday, January 27, 2020

January Twenty-Eighth ~ God's Daily Minute

January Twenty-Eighth ~ God's Daily Minute

“I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand within Thy gates, O Jerusalem. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They prosper that love Thee. Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek Thy good.” – Ps. 122: 1-2; 6; 9 ~

For Sunday Morning

O LORD, Jesus Christ, Who on this day didst arise from the grave, send forth Thy quickening Spirit, we beseech Thee, upon Thy people, that they may rise to newness of life. Drive away worldly cares, lift up our minds to high and noble thoughts, and to spiritual desires.

Hear the prayers of all that are offered in public and in private, for themselves and for their brethren. Grant that all who can may attend the public worship of Thy church, and approach Thee with reverence and confidence. Bless the ministrations of Thy Word and Sacraments. Inspire those who speak and act in Thy name, with the spirit of truth, and love, and power.

Meet the varied needs and fulfil the desires of Thy people. Bind us in fellowship one with another, as with Thy self. Enable us to go forth from the worship and instruction of Thy holy day with renewed strength and courage to perform the duties and bear the trials which are appointed for us.

Grant this, and all our petitions, for Thy Holy Name’s sake. Amen

By: Bishop Arthur C. A. Hall, Burlington, Vermont.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

January Ninth ~ God's Daily Minute

January Ninth ~ God's Daily Minute

“Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name.” – Ps. 105:1 ~

Dear heavenly Father, as we gather at Thy feet to-day as a family, we ask Thy blessing on our home and Thy guidance to each one during the hours of this day. Help us to realize Thy nearness to us at this hour. May we realize Thy reality, and be conscious of the fact that Thou art not a God afar off—the Great King of Heaven, the Mighty Judge of all the earth enthroned in infinite space above us, but that we can claim Thee as our Saviour and our Friend.

Help us throughout this day to realize that Thou canst be nearer to each one of us than the nearest and dearest of friends.

Let us hear Thy voice to-day. Let us feel the inspiration of Thy presence, and with willing feet enable us to walk in the path on which Thy light and blessing can fall.

Give us this day some work to do for others, some kindly word to speak, some helpful unselfish deed to fulfil in Thy Name. Be with us each and every hour of this day, and may we so live that Thy will may be done and Thy Kingdom come within our hearts.  Amen.

Mrs. Maud Ballington Booth, New York City, NY

Friday, November 1, 2019

God's Minute ~ Matt. 8:13

November Sixth ~ God's Daily Minute

“As thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee.” – Matt. 8:13 ~

Our Father in Heaven, as children come to an earthly parent, so we, Thy children, come to Thee. We acknowledge Thy goodness in keeping us in safety during the night, and in the mercies renewed to us with the return of the day. While we have been locked in slumber, Thou hast not suffered any harm to befall us. We have lain us down in peace and slept because Thou hast sustained us, and the morning of a new day finds us with renewed vigor for its labor and toil.
As the each day brings to us fresh obligations, fit us for their discharge. As new temptations make their appeal to us, strengthen us for their resistance. In new battles we may have to fight, lead us to victory. Fortify us against the evil we may have to meet, and make us responsive to every uplifting and helpful influence. May the evil tendencies in our nature constantly grow less insistent. May the spirit of love to Thee and to all become the fixed characteristic of our lives.
Accept our gratitude for daily renewed mercies. Give us pardon for all our sins. Keep us as a family from harm and evil to-day, and when our days on earth are past, bring us to the Heavenly home. We ask in the Christ’s name.  Amen

By: Rev. J. W. Stewart, Owen Sound, Ont., Canada

Thursday, October 24, 2019

October Twenty-First ~ God's Daily Minute

October Twenty-First ~ God's Daily Minute

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, faith. ” – Gal. 5:22 ~

Our Heavenly Father, we turn to Thee in gratitude for Thy goodness, and in loving dependence upon Thy grace. Thou art our shield, our strength, our guide. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Thou dost forgive our sins. We trust in Thee alone. Our feeble strength can give no security in temptations, nor firmness in trial. We humbly pray for Thy sustaining grace to-day. May Thy companionship transform our daily tasks and make our weakness strong.
Grant to us hearts of compassion for the sorrowing, tempted, hopeless ones whose lives shall touch ours to-day. May we follow our Saviour in helpful ministry, and may His Spirit go out from us to lead men unto Him Who alone can bless.
May Thy Holy Spirit enable us to set ourselves firmly against the evils which destroy the souls of men, and do our part of the work that is needed for the coming of Thy Kingdom. Help us to be faithful and true in thought, word and deed, that we may not add to the sum of the world’s evil, but may purify and enlighten all the life about us. These things we ask in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus’ Christ. Amen

By: Robert E. Vinson, D.D. Austin, Texas.

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